Apolinar Gonzalez SVMP ‘09 and Brenda Castillo SVMP ‘08 will be hosting a recruiting and networking event in San Francisco to attract talented undergraduate students and recent college graduates in the Bay Area.
In addition to SVMP alumni, Harvard Business School (HBS) alumni from the San Francisco area will be attending the event to connect with students and recent college graduates. The event will consist of a short overview of SVMP followed by a networking session where SVMP and HBS alumni alike can network with students and recent college graduates to answer any questions they may have about the program or HBS itself.
If you are in the San Francisco Bay area, please join us at this event, together with HBS alumni, to share your experiences with potential SVMP and HBS applicants. If you know of any students who may benefit from this event, please feel free to spread the word.
Please RSVP with Brenda Castillo, Western Region Recruiter, at brendacd@gmail.com by February 9th, 2011. Donations will be highly appreciated at the event to help the SVMP Alumni Association in its ongoing success and growth. We hope to see you there!
Event Details:
Date: February 11, 2011
Address: Infusion Lounge (www.infusionlounge.com)
124 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA | Time: 6-9pm